Last week, Zivtech was proud to be a supporting sponsor of BADCamp 2019 in Berkeley, California, where members of our team shared their expertise and attended sessions like the DevOps Summit. The summit featured a session on Probo.CI presented by Michael Bagnall.
Michael walked attendees through integrating Probo into a continuous integration stack using Docker. Check out a summary of Michael's key points below.
What Is Probo?
Probo.CI is a testing collaboration tool. It's used to run automated tests and construct usable builds when pull requests are issued or branches of code are updated. Probo provides a unique URL that can be used for client demonstration or internal testing.
Why Open Source?
Open-source software (OSS) allows you to contribute code and features. If you're running lots of projects or very large builds, OSS can be very cost-effective
Docker’s Contribution to Continuous Integration
Docker allows you to build the entire Probo.CI service as a stack by simply configuring a YAML file with your Probo.CI options. All critical services like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache SOLR, Redis, Memcached, and Varnish are baked in.
Head over to the Probo website and blog for more information about how it can be used with Docker to tie everything together in a unified stack.