Gearing Up for DrupalCon Seattle 2019

This year, DrupalCon takes place in Seattle, and we can already smell Starbucks’ Pike Place roast in the air!

With only a week left before the fun starts, we’ve been busy preparing for our sold out training, “DevOps for Drupal!”

The training session will be lead by our Co-Founder and CTO, Jody Hamilton, our Senior Systems Engineer, Jason Moore, and our Front-End Developer, John Kaeser

The details

Most of our team will be arriving on Monday, April 8th, but our training doesn’t take place until Tuesday, April 9th. It will begin at 9 AM and go until about 4:30 PM. 

This is an advanced training session and will focus on bridging the gap between development and operations teams to optimize your development workflow. Our Drupal experts will share some of the techniques that they’ve refined over the years, to help you simplify your job. They’ll also show you how to automate tests, deployments and other tasks with continuous integration tools like Probo.CI.

If you were lucky enough to snag a ticket to this training before it sold out, we ask that you bring a laptop with the latest versions of Virtualbox and Vagrant installed. We also recommend that you work in OS X, although we will provide a cloud environment for Windows users. 

DrupalCon gathers more than 3,000 of the top Drupalists together to collaborate, share knowledge, and create solutions. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know our peers better and work with people of all Drupal skill levels. 

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more updates while we’re there!