News & Insights

News, blogs and insights

April 11, 2017

How We Use JIRA to Improve Client Communication

Every design and development shop knows that client communication plays a significant role in a project’s success. Seamless client inclusion and transparency is essential for an efficient workflow. Project management
April 4, 2017

How to Create Lovely Typography

After a lot of hard work, stakeholder meetings, and thought, you are finally getting inspiration for a great design on your next website. Then, you start to think about fonts
March 29, 2017

4 Reasons Your Site Needs a Style Guide

Too many cooks can spoil the broth. Or, too many inconsistent styles can leave your website visitors totally lost. This is what can happen if you have a team working
March 16, 2017

How to Optimize Your Site Content

If you’re unsure about what content your site has and what information it’s missing, you might need to do a content audit. Websites are powerhouses for data and information. Disorganized
March 14, 2017

Why Drupal is Great for Business

With roughly 1.2 million websites using Drupal across the world, including marquee sites such as NBC Universal and pharmaceutical giant Novartis, it’s clear that it’s a powerful content management system capable of supporting large organizations.
March 8, 2017

5 Ways to Get Involved if You're a Woman in Tech

March 8th is International Women’s Day, which celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It also advocates for gender equality in the workplace in all industries. According
February 28, 2017

6 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Website Redesign

Your website should fuel your business. It should be easy to use, both for you and the visitors you want to attract. If your website is clunky and disorganized, it’s

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